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10 Decluttering Tips









1. Grab an empty trash bag and fill it with all mailings in your home that is 1 month and older.


2. Get one box for each room in your home, go room by room and fill the box with clothing small appliances, shoes, and dishes you have not used or worn for more than a year. Visit the Salvation Army or Veterans of America website to schedule a pickup for donations.


3. Hire a Professional Organizer to organize and tidy up your closets, dressers, and cabinets (this will open up storage space to store the things you did not donate). If your feeling ambitious you can do it yourself,or hire a family member


4. Place a large trash bag in each room of your home, go room by room and throw away all trash and things you no longer want that are not suitable to donate.


5. With the items you have leftover after filling your donation boxes and trash bags, place them in your closet and cabinets after they have been organized by a professional organizer.


6. Now it’s time to categorize your home, make sure all dishes are in the same space, all clothing is in same space, all mail in same spot, all personal hygiene products in same space, all figurines in appropriate locations such as living room, continue throughout the home with this same theme.


7. Small items you are not sure what to do with, place them in your organized dressers.


8. Place a shelf inside closet and use it to place folded clothes in closet that can not be hung up do to lack of space, shelf can also be used for shoes.


9. Use old shoe boxes to place loose items end and store the boxes under your bed, if there is no room under your bed, have the Professional Organizer you hired organize under your bed.


10. Lastly, hire professional cleaners to tidy up your entire home.

Messy Bed
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